Porec, or Parenzo as the people from Istria call it, is the city almost two thousand years old. It is located on the west coast of Istria, the largest Croatian peninsula. It is located in the port, and it is hiden from the open sea by the island St. Nikola. Regardless of the frequent changes of government, the impact of Italy is great in Porec and all Istria. Croatian population is larger, but the Italians are a significant minority here.
As in the rest of Istria the red earth is predominant. It is very suitable for agriculture. Production of organic food and quality wine is an important part of Porec economy. The most important branch of the economy is tourism. Tourist infrastructure is dispersed along the rounded between the river Mirna and the Lim Channel. There are hotels, campsites and marinas.
The Mediterranean climate is dominant long the coast of Istria. Winters are short and mild, and the summers are hot and dry. West Coast, on which Porec is located, is indented with numerous islands. The sea around Poreč has been preserved and clean, and the swimming season lasts from May to October. Sometimes the mistral breeze, that blows from the sea to the mainland, will refresh you on the coast.
Poreč then and now
Porec has been inhabited since prehistoric times, and over the centuries the city was under different rulers. For a long time it has been under the rule of the Roman Empire, and after the fall of the Roman Empire as rulers of Porec alternated Ostrogoths, Byzantines and even the Frankish Empire. After the collapse of the Frankish empire Porec was given the status of independent city and it was under the protection of Venice. When Napoleon occupied Venice Porec became Austrian.
After World War I the city was under the Italian government, and during World War II it was bombed and economic collapses. At the end, Istria and Porec belong to Yugoslavia and now Croatia.
Interesting sights
The Basilica is one of the best preserved monuments of Byzantine art in the Mediterranean, situated right in Porec. The Basilica was built in the 6th century, and the year 1997 UNESCO included it on the list of world cultural heritage. Basilica is in fact the Cathedral of the Assumption and it is most notable for it’s numerous glorious mosaics.
Some beaches in Poreč are marked with the Blue Flag as a sign of clear waters, quality services and equipment. Besides lazing on the beach in Porec you can walk, ride a bike, and the brave ones might try riding. For those who think that holiday is only for resting, you might find yourself surprised, but certainly not regretful.
Do not miss
The Eufrazije Basilica is certainly unavoidable part of Poreč. Main street Decumanus and Cardo Maximus will certainly be on your way. They are preserved in the ancient original form as well as a few houses from the Roman period.
But whatever we say about this town is not enough. We’d need a lot more extensive text that you describe all of its beauty and value. Therefore it is best to visit and experience yourself as a cultural and tourist center as he is!
Tourist Board
Pionirska 1
52440 Poreč
+385 (0) 52 452 797
Zagrebačka 9
52440 Poreč
+385 (0) 52 451 293